
St. John's Community Yard Sale haul!

I had a semi-plan. I had $18 in my wallet. So, plan A was to leave when that money was spent, or when I ran out of time. There was no plan B. It was a beautiful neighborhood, so it only follows that there was some awesome buys.

Here is what I got.

A really cute little basket with lid for my desk!

Yuck cookbooks...what a let-down

Rustic heavy Italian-ish vase

A slew of cosmeticicky items...including the small silver bag to hold purse items.

A mirror, that looks like a window, from Pottery Barn, and an awesome huge wooden platter

Overview of all (except vase which was hiding in the kitchen). Look how huge the platter is! And note the bracelet on my wrist...also from yardsale. It is a mix of semi-precious stones. Also note the shelf the basket is sitting on. I plan on using it for my starfish!! Oh yes.

I came home with $8 in my wallet, so it looks like I felt like I was running out of time. :-)

PS: you can click on any image to see larger!

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