
At the Coffee Cup

It was POURING when we went to the Coffee Cup today. I mean pouring!!! Anywho. I was just playing around with my new camera, and my Katzeye screen that I scratched when installing. Boohoo. What a putz. I was such a hot mess putting it in. I spoke with Rachael at Katzeye so many times today that she knows me by name.

I have options:

  1. Return the screen for cleaning
  2. Buy a new screen at 25% off
  3. Live with this one
I'm trying option #3 first. The scratch is off to the right side...almost out of my vision. The key there is almost. The question that begs to be answered is, can I live with that. Will my OCD kick in full gear? Or will the lax me take over and say "What the hell." I'm hoping the lax one will step up to the plate.

So. Here is a pic of Bumble at the Coffee Cup. Staring off at the counter. 

BTW...the cook there has been working that grill for 37 years. Good grief. 

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