

Main Entry: Trickeration
Pronunciation: \trik er ˈra-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English trikke, from Anglo-French *trik, from trikier to deceive, cheat, from Vulgar Latin *triccare, alteration of Latin tricari to behave evasively, shuffle, from tricae complications, trifles, from Bumblegeese
Date: 21st century

1 noun: a: crafty procedure or practice meant to deceive or defraud b: a mischievous act : prank c: a deceptive, dexterous, or ingenious feat ; especially one designed to puzzle or amuse

And for my next trickeration, I will attempt to have Bumble desire to go in TJ Maxx.

2 verb: to trickerate, the act of trickeration

I had to trickerate Bumble into giving me his ice cream.

3 adjective: trickerater, someone that trickerates

Some would say that I am a trickerater extraordinaire!

1 comment:

  1. The trickeration is awesome!
    Also, Bumble is really handsome in that pic.
