
New Look...again

Bumble boo-hooed my last new look. So, I, of course, could not possibly keep that template up. Even though I designed it myself.

I went on a template hunt and found this beautiful one. Do you hear me? BEAUTIFUL. ahem. It originally was called The Bus Full of Hippies. So, I figured it fit me perfectly. And I love all the droopy, dangly flowers. It is awesome.

Please like it, Bumble.


  1. Seems the comments are FUBR. I'll have to work on that!

  2. hmmmm...ok..here was Nikki's comment:

    I loved the other template but this one makes me SUPER happy! It's so lush... just perfect.
    Congrats on the book find. I'll be checking them out.
    I hope you find someone that will use your other template. It deserves to be on the internets.

    and my response (both of which are floating around in the O-zone someplace):

    I love this one too! It is lush, and dripping with flowers!!

    Oh, others are using that template. So, it is on the internets fer sure.

    This is what drives Bumble crazy about the internet!
