

This is a little something for my book reading fans (ie my only fans...my family). I have found this site that has saved me money. And that, in the words of the devil, is a good thing.

Recently I ordered this book, Understanding Exposure. At the time of this posting, the price at Amazon was $16.47 plus $3.99 for shipping and handling, which totals $20.46. (For my part, they could cut out all the handling...just muss my book up is all it does...and then they charge for that!)

But, here is where the tale takes a twist!! I didn't order it from the almighty Amazon like I normally would have. Shocked? Instead I plugged in the info, which was the title of the book, to booksprice.com and it did a little search for me. The results show, among other little tidbits, the price, shipping and total cost of a gazillion places I can buy that book, with the least expensive at the top.

Guess what? I ordered it from deepdiscount.com (don't judge me) for the grand total of $15.34. That little search saved me umm...let's see...4 from 6 is 2...dang, I need a pencil. Anyway, it saved me $5.12!!!

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