
A new look

I decided to give my blog a make-over. And I design blog templates. So, why not use my own design? This particular design is called Deadlines. This is not one of my girly ones, but more edgy (as Nikki pointed out). I love the coffee stains.

There is alot of action in the sidebars...plenty of room for all the sidebar items I could ever want to add. I like having room to breath. And this template offers that!

And I added orange accents. Orange. Not my favorite color. But, I like it as a blog color. It pops.


  1. I loved the other template but this one makes me SUPER happy! It's so lush... just perfect.
    Congrats on the book find. I'll be checking them out.
    I hope you find someone that will use your other template. It deserves to be on the internets.

  2. I love this one too! It is lush, and dripping with flowers!!

    Oh, others are using that template. So, it is on the internets fer sure.
