
My Photog Buddy

Yes, I have named it. My Photog [FO-tog] Buddy. Quite possibly the most awesome Digital SLR in the world! From only the best Bumble in the world. This is one of my best birthdays on record. We went to St. John's center and window shopped, then went out to eat at Outback Steak House for the 12 oz. Outback Special. (Don't judge me...I'm a midwest woman.) And when we got home he surprised me with Creme Brule that he made!! My most favorite dessert!

Now that I'm thinking about it, the gifts I have received here have been above and beyond. For Christmas, if you recall, I received the famtabulous Pumpkin Pot from Nikki and Bobert. I'm wondering if they can keep this up? No pressure family...just thinking out loud.

I believe that Photog Buddy will change our lives. Already I know I have to have better lighting in my kitchen. Which only means a new house. I have bag purchases looming in the near future. Not to mention lens items...protection, UV filtering and other such marvelous things.

Things that only a few days ago I didn't really know existed. Believe me, it exists. My eyes are bleeding from studying about them. And aperture, shutter speed, f-stops, available light...the list goes on and on. These are what my dreams consist of. Literally. I need a class. Quite possibly a tripod.

And I'm feeling a little intimidated. I took good pictures before with a little point and shoot. What if I can't do it anymore? Wonder if I've lost my eye?

On the other hand wonder if I take such breath-taking photos that I become a legend in my own time? Me and Ansel Adams. I quit my job and travel the world for National Geographic photographing the mating habits of the Wild Wilderbeast or the migration of the Eastern Golden Swan.

Probably when the dust settles and I actually learn how to operate my new Photog Buddy, it will fall somewhere in between. I will go on taking pictures, only much better because of this camera. Thanks, Bumble. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. I just received a phone call requesting that you shoot the St. Louis Cardinals spring training this year. I will fax them the requirements for your accepting the assignment. You take wonderful photos and this will only improve that "photographers eye" you have.
