
Cupid Asleep...Cupid Awake

This is what my daughter wrote in a comment on a blog about Valentine's Day. I really didn't think she remembered!
... My birthday is the day after Valentine's Day and my Mom *always* made both days special. My favorite Valentine Day was when i was about 15 or 16.
I liked to collect vintage pictures from auctions, flea markets, yardsales. I just loved the pics. On V'day that year she came in singing. She doesn't have the voice of an angel but it's my Mom's voice and i love when she sings. She woke me up sing "Cupid, draw back your bow..."... i was a fan of 50's music too so this was great. She had set up 2 large vintage pictures in my room of Cupid Asleep and Cupid Awake. They were just amazing framed photos that i loved forever. I've since managed to lose them and i can't wait to hunt for them again one day.
Right now i don't have any special thing i do for Valentine's Day but not a year has gone by that i haven't thought about that one morning :)

We always had special holidays. All of them. Not extravagant in terms of money spent, but in terms of thought that went into them. This particular Valentine's Day I had found these framed prints (old as the hills I'm sure) at an older ladies yardsale in Marine, Il. It was on the other side of town up against the cornfields. A brick ranch. Funny how little pieces of memories stick.

I only have one issue...I always thought I had a voice of an angel! And this little comment made me remember all the St. Patrick's Days when I woke my kids with my "Oh Danny Boy".


  1. I knew you got them at a yardsale (cuz where else, you know?) but didn't know it was in town.
    I remember Danny Boy too. I don't have perfect pitch so i'm sure i'm mistaken and you DO sing like an angel.
    Nice to see the Cupids again. Did i tell you i researched them. A photog in NYC took them. It's his neighbor's daughter. The woman was a single mother. They were taken in the late 1800's or early 1900's. Cool huh? He took them right in the house.

  2. Nice to see that you finally realize you don't have perfect pitch.

    That story is amazing about the photographs. I had no idea. And to be an unwed mother in the early 1900's. It must of been hard for her. And her daughter was beautiful.

  3. Hi. I was doing a search for information about one of these photographs. I have an old framed one of the Cupid awake. It was my grandmother's and just recently handed down to me by my mother. I'm so glad I found your site and learned more about the photographer and the subject. Thank you!
