
Photoshop CS for Digital Photographers

This book is nonfiction. But, the story line was riveting! Single handed this book saved Photoshop from becoming one of the programs on my computer that gathers dust bunnies.

If nothing else, it has taught me how to use levels. With a click of the mouse an image improves instantly. I know this little box with a graph like image in it doesn't look like much, but it makes a world of difference to an image.

So, even if I only walked away from this book with only that one bit of information, it would be worth the $19.99. (Oh, and the book was on sale...regular $39.95. I LOVE a bargain!) There was far more I learned from reading this book, but I won't bore you to tears with the painful details. It is bad enough I made you look at the Levels dialog box.

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