
Mother & Daughter...an Insight

We are what we are. Mother. Daughter. For others this complicated relationship can take on many different faces. For us it is simple. It always has been. We are friends. I know it sounds hokey. I'm not above being hokey.

Things were different between us from the very beginning. When she was but 18 months old I was talking to her like she was an adult. And she responded in same. I know you are probably crying BS. It wasn't until years later that I put it altogether and realized how intelligently she talked at such an early age. At the time it seemed to be the most natural thing in the world. There is a picture of her in a little purple dress with a white lace bibbed front that I had taken at an Olan Mills hotel shoot. (I don't know if they do that anymore, but back in the early 70's it was a common occurrence.) She was 18 months old. The room was full of mothers with children. Nicki (she didn't become Nikki until later in life when she deemed it so much cooler) and I sat off by ourselves marveling at the craziness in the room, at the antics of the monkey children. Not only was I appalled, she was too.

Only now, in looking at that picture frozen in time of my little girl with soft golden curls and bright blue eyes, do I realize how long I have been having conversations with her. We have had a lifetime of conversations...goofy, insightful, happy, nonsensical, painful, joyous, pointless, poignant.

Talking is what we do best. And we do it happily and with gusto. I can't tell you the number of times when out in public, just enjoying the moment and each other, that someone will tell us that we are having entirely too much fun. Usually it is those exact words.

Others are amazed if they discover we are mother & daughter. They think we are best friends. And I believe that assumption has to do with our attitude towards each other and the aura that surrounds us.

I'm writing this in response to a request/comment by said daughter:
Patiently waiting for a new post. I *do* love the pumpkin pot... but i need more of your insight on other things :)
Bring it!

So I brought it.

I know that when she reads this she will get teary eyed. It made me teary to write it. So, to lighten the mood, I conclude this post with an observation. Our relationship is strange and wonderful...I'm strange and she's wonderful. No, wait...she's wonderful and I'm strange. Dang it. Hold on...ummmmm...

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