
The Kite Runner

I could not get enough of this book. I anxiously turned each page. I wanted to read it, and yet I didn't want it to end. I didn't want to know what was going to happen, but I had to know.

This book will rank among my most favorite of all time. It was compelling and haunting. Hard lessons. Extremely hard to read at times. Often I had to put it down, or break down and cry like a baby in the break room at work. (Never a good thing.) I re-examined my own life and reasons for what I do.

Let me say that while reading this book I had a love hate for the main character, Amir. He was easy to dislike because of his self-centered ways. Later, I realized why I disliked him and it wasn't his fault. My heart ached for him with each discovery he made.

And Hassan. I had nothing but love for him from the beginning. He was so pure. So simple. So good. My heart ached for him for completely different reasons.

While reading this book I felt a surge of patriotism for my country in our efforts in Afghanistan. It gave a face to people I didn't know or understand. People I hope will find peace in their land and never have to fear the Taliban again. I know I lead a protected life, so much of this was shocking. The most shocking part is it is happening in our time.

I don't want to give out any more details. Because I know the bungle heads in my family haven't read this wonderful book yet. I don't want to spoil it for them.

But, when you do read it, let's talk.

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