
A little southern town...Savannah

The decision was made to take a day trip to Savannah. After all, we are but 2 hours away. And if we don't go while living in St. Augustine, then when? The day was picked because I had several days off from work. And Christmas was coming. This was a little Christmas present to us. We packed an overnight bag (just in case we needed to stay the night), loaded Stinky Pete in the back and took off. The two hour trip ended up more in the realm of three hours. (Sounds like the beginning of Gilligan's Island, doesn't it?)

The weatherman said it was to be a nice sunny day. We did not even see a sliver of sunshine the entire day. It was misty and gray. Sometimes it rained out right. With all of that, it didn't dampen our spirits or our day. We just switched up our plans from walking to riding. Our self made tour involved weaving back and forth at a leisurely pace (no one seemed to be in a hurry) up and down the streets circling the 21 squares placed through out the neighborhoods. I loved each and every little square. They were all tiny parks...and oasis of serenity.

I wasn't able to take many pictures. The ones that I did take are up on SeaSide Sharon. I just happened to get caught up in the moment when Bumble was walking Stinky Pete. I grabbed my umbrella and headed up the sidewalk to snap a few. Bumble had to come find me! Dang, I love taking pictures!

Besides the unbelievable beauty of this town, a couple of things stood out for me. One was my visit to The Lady & Sons.

Notice I said visit. They were booked and we didn't get to eat there, but I did step inside. It was not huge...rather small. I was excited. The bizarre thing was you had to make reservations from a lady in a little alley like doorway a door down from the restaurant. BTW, I didn't take this picture of the restaurant. I was too excited and it was raining pretty good when we got there. This is from her website.

I did get to go in her store that was two doors down! And surprise of surprises, Bumble said I could get something from here for a Christmas present!!! I got a cookbook and a most wonderful pair of tongs.

And look on the inside of the cookbook...It is signed by Paula!!! How awesome is that?
Yes, I agree. Pretty dang awesome!

Since we didn't get to eat at Paula's, we went to her brother's place, Uncle Bubbs's Oyster House. I had Paula's Fried Chicken and Bumble had Shrimp & Grits. For an appetizer we had a seafood dip. All I have to say, is if Paula's food in her resturant is any better, OH MY! This was so good. The fried chicken truly was finger lickin' good. The best I've ever had. The shrimp grits was something like I've never had before, and simply delicious.

That leads me to the last outstanding event on this trip. We struck up a conversation with a couple at the next table about his bowl of seafood gumbo. It turned out that this couple lives up the road from us. Small world, huh. So we chit-chatted about Savannah, Florida State University (where Bumble graduated from) and Jacksonville/St. Augustine. Just a general nice conversation. They finished before us, and as they left, he shook Bumble's hand and patted me on the back, wishing us well.

We finished our meal and were getting all ready to get our check and leave. That is when the waitress came over with a huge smile on her face and said, "That's not all!" I really didn't know what she was getting at. She continued, "The couple that sat at that table picked up your check and said to tell you Merry Christmas!"

That was about the sweetest thing that complete strangers have ever done for us. A kindness that I won't forget anytime soon.

Read Bumble's take on our Savannah road trip!

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