
New Year's Resolutions

I have made a few for myself. Even this year. But, now I'm making them for my family. Presumptuous? Perhaps. Only because I care for you all and your lack of insightful resolutions.

Usually I hear more from my family about their resolutions, but not this year. Oh, Bumble and said a few of the common every year variety, but this is different. These resolutions are just different and done with much thought.

I have chosen one word for each of you. OK one of you get a hyphenated word, just consider yourself lucky.
  • strength
  • balance
  • self-love
Now, family, is the fun part. Which one did I chose for you?

I'm not going to explain why I chose that word for you. That is up to you to figure out. It may be strikingly obvious why I chose it. If so, great! If it is not so obvious, think about it. 'Cause that is all you're getting from me.

  • strength: Nikki
  • balance: Bobert
  • self-love: Bumble
I threw in the Maxine cartoon only because I love her.


  1. I want to trade so anyone if you want to love yourself its up for grabs. I am tired of loving myself its becoming kind of gross....

  2. @Bumble, First let me say,congradulations on finding and actually using the comment feature!!

    And second...no trading. I think you may be doing this self-love thing wrong.
