
My Daisy

Our trip to the Farmer's Market produced not only veggies for our fridge, but this beautiful little pink daisy for our patio.

My Daisy

Bumble says that it is a cartoon daisy, and this is an overall view of it. Just so you can feel it. He feels that even my choice of clay pot contributes to it's clownish character.

My funny daisy

I don't know why I love daisies so much. But I do. There are a couple stretches of road here in Florida that has allowed the (usually) ugly median to grow wild flowers. Every time I pass by those spots in the road, I get happy. The colors are amazing and there is no rhyme or reason to the planting. It is sporadic and whimsy at it's best.

A little side note on the Farmer's Market. It is not in such a safe part of town. Bumble is convinced that the seedier the area, and the more chance I have of being stabbed, shot or mugged, is in direct correlation to the enjoyment I receive from an experience.

One other thing before I end this post. I sometimes take pictures of...well...the inside of public restrooms. But, only if I love something about them. And if I'm alone in the restroom at the time. Here is the bathroom at the restaurant we had breakfast at. It was called the Wakey Bakey Eggs in a Basket something or other.

I loved the whole thing


  1. That daisy is PERFECTION! Happiness in a flower pot :)
    I did not realize you took pics of restrooms. This is a nice one too!

  2. @ahhhh, grasshopper...there is much you are to learn about me.
