
Sheldon's new life and Nikki's surgery

I think we have found a home for Sheldon. A lady here in town lost one of one of her rats this week. She has two others, but one is elderly and from what she said, not expected to be around much longer. So she is looking for a companion for her other rat. I'm going to miss that little sweetie. But, I'm glad she is going to a good home.

Part 2: Nikki's surgery
Nikki had a microlaminectomy Tuesday. The surgery was surprisingly fast...less than an hour. Other than a little bout of light-heady-ness (aka fainting) it went swimmingly. The fainting came as she was getting ready to come home. Too much activity at that moment, and it took her down. But, she overcame and we toted her home for the recovery period. Which we are still in. She is doing, in my opinion, extremely well.

Rules of surgery: There is to be NO BLT for 3 months!!! BLT = bending lifting twisting. I worry about that. Do you hear me Bobert? 3 months. Pay close attention. That means until her birthday. Mark that date on your calendar.

The reason this is so important is because she is building scar tissue now. That will keep the lamina from 'oozing' out again. Scar tissue is our friend now. With scar tissue in place she will be pain free and that is what the whole surgery was about.


  1. i will look after her like she is my own when she get s here ,,when is her birthday again

  2. @Bobert...don't play with me!!!
