
Trimming the Pie

This old print is one I have adored for years. It is from the cover of Saturday Evening Post, November 23, 1935. The artist is Joseph Christian Leyendecker.

At one point in my life I had a print of this beautiful drawing displayed in my kitchen. I remember it had a brilliant blue wood frame and made me happy every time I looked at the homey little scene. But, as my life changed, I lost the picture. Physically it was gone, but the image was forever burned into my mind.

I searched for years for it. Believing it was a Norman Rockwell print, I didn't have much luck. One day I found Curtis Publishing online, and began the task of searching each and every Saturday Evening Post cover. Much to my surprise, it wasn't Rockwell, but Leyendecker! As I did some reading about Leyendecker, I discovered that he was Rockwell's friend, and a chief influence on Rockwell's work. No wonder I was confused.

Why do I like this simple little print so much? It reminds me of my sweet Grandma. From the gray hair (although my Grandma didn't have a bun) to the arms, the face, the softness of the skin, and the strength from within.

My Grandma always wore an apron unless going to church or shopping. The dresses that she wore were sewn by her and were soft and faded from multiple washings.

Much like the little boy in the picture, I loved to watch my Grandma cook.

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