
Decor Inspirations -1

In my buzzing around the net, I found some decorating ideas that I like. Sorta follows the home plan theme. Anyway, this is my first post of decorating inspirations.

The whites are what what caught my eye. I love the coolness of blues. It is so casual. I'll call this casual beachy.

Once again the whites and blues. So cool and cozy at the same time. How can that be?

And you guessed it...white. But this particular photo I like the wall grouping with the stars and the picture frames. Whimsy.

So, I'm seeing a trend here. I love the casual feel all of these. Perfect for a home close to the water!

PS: did anyone notice my spiffy new buttons in the sidebar? Aren't they the coolest? Go ahead subscribe. You know ya wanna.

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