
The liberation of my blogging world

It didn't take long to know where I wanted to go with this blog. I have other blogs. They all have a purpose.
  1. BlogU - my first blog. It is more techie. A how-to pretty up a blog blog. I started this one because I love playing with template code*. You know...CSS, HTML, JavaScript...you know.
  2. Buttermilk Clouds - my second blog. It is a foodie blog. Because besides being on the geekie side, I also love to cook*. (When I'm in the mood.) And I love photography*. How did it get the title? Glad I asked. Anytime I can add buttermilk to a recipe it is a good day. And the header had clouds it it. So Buttermilk Clouds really was a no-brainer.
  3. SeaSide Sharon - my third blog. This blog chronicles my life in Florida via photos. A very fun blog indeed. So it ties in my love for photography*, the beach and all things Florida.
I should mention that I do have another, more private, blog. I used that to get through some of the tougher times. And it helped. Occasionally I still post there. Call it my therapy blog. And I'm keeping it to myself.

That brings us to Sharondipity my fifth blog. This blog is all about whatever I want. No purpose what-so-ever. I've always envied the bloggers that could post about whatever crossed their little minds that day. Yes, now I can be like all the other opinionated bloggers out there that post all their mindless drivel or... post my theory on evolution. Why did it take me so long to do this? I never claimed to be a rocket scientist. This is liberating!

*No claims at being a professional.

1 comment:

  1. I chortled when i read my description. And Stinky Pete.. ha.
    Thanks for the good link today!!
